
In Heidenheim

I have now been in Heidenheim for a little over a week, and goodness do I feel different from how I did when I arrived! I have been quite tired, but my host family has been kind and welcoming and showed me the sights, food and necessities of my new home. I now have a library card, a bank account, and a load of laundry to fold, in addition to a vague knowledge of the bus system, a favorite cafe from which to buy pretzels (a Schwäbische specialty), a school, and, last but not least, a list of things to buy at the Schloss-Arkaden.
I am really enjoying myself here, getting to know the city and my family. Last week my host sister and I went roller-skating. 
(It was quite a feat.)
I have also gone for many walks in my neighborhood, seeing things like this:

I often read or spend time in the garden: 
When I want a change of scenery, I go into town to see the sights...
...attend a sausage market...
admire the Brenz (as in Heidenheim an der)...
...or simply make friends.
Overall, I think things are going quite well here, and I'm not just saying that because of the food.
At least, not completely! 

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