
Current Event 2/18/12

German president Christian Wulff has resigned from his post under a cloud of scandal and corruption. In an address to the media, he thanked his constituents and family for their support, but announced that this was the easiest way to end his term and clear the way for his successor. Angela Merkel cancelled several international engagements regarding the Eurozone in order to discuss the matter with her cabinet and with Wulff. This is very unfortunate as is questions Germany's support and strong role in the European debt crisis. In the past, Wulff has been controversial because of remarks about Islam, relationships with the press, and a financial scandal regarding private donors. 
While Wulff's resignation may ultimately be a good choice for Germany, it has cast the country into doubt. Although the President has a much smaller role in government than the Chancellor, the role is still important. Wulff has "lost the trust of the German people" and this will certainly reflect in German affairs throughout the next few months. Hopefully Germany can remain constant and continue assist its fellow nations in the international crisis. 
The leading contender for the next President is a human rights activist named Joachim Gauck.

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